747-8 with under 50 hours being scrapped for parts (parted out). N458BJ was first commissioned by the Saudi Arabian Royal Flight group in June 2012 and was to be registered HM-HMS1. However, crown prince Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud it was bought for died whilst the aircraft’s interior was still being prepared.
AFG Aviation Ireland Limited (AFG), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aircraft Finance Germany GmbH acquired the aircraft in July 2019 probably with the hope of finding an operator but after Covid it was sold to Boeing in April 2022.

BOEING 747 – MSN 40065 HZ-HMS1Serial number 40065 LN:1446Type 747-8JA(BBJ)First flight date 30/05/2012Test registration N458BJ.

It was stored at Basel, Switzerland, and flown in 2022 to Marana Arizona Pinal Airpark for dismantling.

A previous For Sale Ad listed it as “One Owner, NO Damage History. Aircraft has no interior, ready for conversion. The aircraft will be delivered in Airworthy serviceable condition, with fresh maintenance and current AD’s and SB’s complied with.
Airframe Total Time 29 hours (Brand new)
BOEING 747-8JA BBJ Line Number: 1446
In-Service at Date: Ferry flight to Basel in December 28, 2012 30 TT/ 16 Cycles
Maximum Taxi Weight: 449,056 Kilograms
Maximum Takeoff Weight: 447,695 Kilograms
Maximum Landing Weight: 312,071 Kilograms
Maximum Gross Weight: 449,056 Kilograms
Zero Fuel Weight: 291,205 Kilograms
Operating Empty Weight: 239,270 Kilograms
Interior Allowance: 45,350 Kilograms
Fuel Capacity: 240,470 L. / 186 685 Kg / 63.030 US Gal.
Range (100 Pax): 8,875 Nm / 16 435 Km
Source – Airline Secret Exposed Facebook Page