Adverse yaw is an aerodynamic phenomenon occurring during aircraft turns, where the nose of the aircraft tends to move in the opposite direction of the turn, opposing the intended direction.
1. Differential lift: Unequal lift between wings during turns.
2. Aileron drag: Drag created by aileron deflection.
3. Wingtip vortex: Interference from wingtip vortices.
*Factors influencing adverse yaw*
1. Aircraft design (wing shape, aileron size)
2. Airspeed and altitude
3. Turn rate and radius
4. Control input (aileron and rudder)
1. Reduced turn performance
2. Increased pilot workload
3. Potential loss of control
*Mitigation techniques*
1. Coordination: Using rudder and aileron together.
2. Differential aileron deflection: Reducing aileron angle.
3. Rudder trim: Adjusting rudder bias.
4. Aircraft design modifications: Optimizing wing and aileron design.
1. Primary adverse yaw: Initial yaw opposing the turn.
2. Secondary adverse yaw: Yaw occurring during sustained turns.
Author – Eng. Mohammed Freihat