Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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    A320 Post Flight Report (PFR)

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    The maintenance Post Flight Report (PFR) can only be printed on ground. It summarizes and displays the list of the ECAM warning messages and the fault messages that occurred during the last flight, with the associated time, flight phase and ATA reference. It helps the maintenance crew to make a correlation for easier troubleshooting.

    PFR recording occurs as follows
    –As per design, the PFR recording starts when the CFDS switches from ground to flight condition. There are two different possibilities to obtain flight condition
    –”at the soonest”, OR “at the latest”.
    –To meet the “Soonest condition”, a new flight number, i.e. different from the previous flight, must be entered AND the 1st engine started confirmed 180s.
    –To compute the “Latest condition”, the CFDIU will only need the condition CAS >80 Kts.
    –The purpose of the “Latest condition” is to allow the CFDIU to remain in ground condition while performing an engine run up, thus allowing access to the BITE interactive mode (SYSTEM TEST/REPORT).Therefore, in case no new flight number has been entered prior to take off, the PFR will start to record when the CAS> 80 kts (“latest condition”).
    –The PFR recording stops at CAS < 80 kts + 30s or 150s (depending on the CFDIU standard).
    –The PFR recording stops at 2nd engine shutdown + 4s (if CAS never went over 80 kts; i.e.: engine ground run).

    Author – Zinhom Mohmoud – Aviation Training Consultant 

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