The evolution of engine control systems has played a crucial role in advancing aircraft performance and reliability.
The first Electronic Engine Control System (EEC) was originally a supervisory system combined with hydromechanical controls, adjusting engine parameters like pressure ratio (EPR) or RPM for safe operation. If a fault occurs, it reverts to the hydromechanical system, ensuring continuous thrust.
The system evolved into Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC), which eliminates the need for backup systems by fully controlling engine functions with two redundant channels. FADEC simplifies pilot workload by automatically adjusting engine performance based on flight conditions and environmental changes, ensuring constant thrust at fixed lever positions.
Key Features of FADEC:
- Reduces fuel consumption through better control of engine parameters.
- Provides accurate, smooth transitions and better engine starts.
- Ensures engine protection by automatically limiting critical pressures and speeds.
- Includes a Prognostic and Health Monitoring Unit (PHMU) and Data Storage Unit (DSU) for enhanced reliability.
FADEC offers superior engine performance, fuel efficiency, and safety compared to older mechanical systems.
Author – Alessandro