How FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Controls) has revolutionized the Aviation industry & Modern Turbofan Engine Operations in terms of Autonomy, Reliability & Efficiency through micro-management?

✔Back in 1970s ,Baby steps were taken & Digital Engine Controls were introduced with the ‘DEEC’ for the PW JT9D engines.
✔By 1980s, demand surged, ‘FADEC’ had to evolve to cater more capabilities for the engine.

✔Several computers combine to form the control system, with the FADEC acting as the ‘brain’ of the engine.
✔FADEC tells you, No direct human control over the engine or manual control mode.
✔FADEC includes engine sensors, control logics & laws, the fuel metering device & interfaces with the aircraft computers.

✔FADEC is autonomous, self-monitoring, self-operating & redundant (less likely to fail). If the FADEC fails, the engine fails.
✔ Micromanagement of FADEC :
👉Controls the engine ‘thrust target’ to manage the aircraft speed, acceleration & deceleration.
👉Monitors the Engine Health & System behaviour.
👉Optimisation of fuel consumption & emission levels.
👉Controls actuation & power supply of the thrust reverser system
👉Detects, analyses & announces failures, as well as protects from malfunctions.

Author – Tanmay Palei
Sr. Aircraft Structure Engineer