An Air India Express Boeing 737-800, registration VT-AXZ performing flight IX-442 from Muscat (Oman) to Kochi (India) with 145 passengers, was accelerating for takeoff from Muscat’s runway 08L at about 11:35L (07:35Z) when the crew rejected takeoff at low speed (about 40 knots over ground) due to a right hand engine (CFM56) fire indication. The crew slowed the aircraft and vacated the runway via the next high speed turn off about 1800 meters/6000 feet down the runway and stopped clear of the runway on the adjacent taxiway. An emergency evacuation via slides followed. 14 passengers are reported to have sustained injuries during the evacuation.
Alternative arrangements are being made to bring the passengers from Muscat to Kochi, the source said. There have been a lot of incidents in connection flights safety over the past few months in India.