Landing Gear system is one of the critical subsystems of an aircraft and is often configured along with the aircraft structure because of its substantial influence on the aircraft structural configuration itself.
The purpose of the landing gear in an aircraft is to provide a suspension system during taxi, take-off and landing. It is designed to absorb and dissipate the kinetic energy of landing impact, thereby reducing the impact loads transmitted to the airframe.

The landing gear design takes into account various requirements of strength, stability, stiffness, ground clearance, control and damping under all possible ground attitudes of the aircraft. These requirements are stipulated by the Airworthiness Regulations to meet operational requirements and safety.

The structural components include Main fitting, Shock absorber, Bogie beam/ Trailing arm, Axle, Torque links, Drag/Side braces, Retraction actuator, Down lock mechanism, Up lock, Wheel, Tire etc. The system components are Brake unit, Antiskid system, retraction system components.

Source – 4MTec Consulting