It’s not exactly peak traffic season in Oslo Norway but it can be freezing cold in the snow. Fogged goggles, slippery snow make a wing walkers job not so easy

Norwegian 737-800 collided into another company 737-800 at Oslo-Gardermoen Airport . Flight DY276, (LN-ENO) contacted (SE-RPI) . The left winglet hit the left horizontal stabilizer of SE-RPI
BOEING 737 NG / MAX – MSN 42088 LN-ENO
Serial number 42088 LN:6427
Type 737-8JP
First flight date 19/05/2017
Test registration
Plane age 6.7 years
Seat configuration Seat
Hex code 47A32E
Engines 2 x CFMI CFM56-7B26
BOEING 737 NG / MAX – MSN 42072 SE-RPI
Serial number 42072 LN:5828
Type 737-8JP
First flight date 14/03/2016
Test registration
Plane age 7.9 years
Seat configuration Seat
Hex code 4ACA09
Engines 2 x CFMI CFM56-7B26
Source – Airline Secret Exposed