The CRAIC CR929 , formerly known as Comac C929, is a planned Long range aircraft by the joint-venture between Chinese Comac & Russian United Aircraft Corporation (UAC)
✈The aircraft will be designed for a capacity of 250-to-320-seats to challenge the Airbus & Boeing.
✈China-Russia Commercial Aircraft International Corporation Limited (CRAIC) 50-50 joint venture was launched on May 22, 2017 in Shanghai, targeting a 2025-2028 maiden flight and first delivery.
✈Comac will be in charge of the fuselage sections, horizontal & vertical stabilizers, wing fairings, nose cone and landing gear.
✈UAC will develop the composite wing, wing flap systems, engine pylons and main landing gear, with Chinese manufacture if it is cheaper
✈With the requirement of 78,000 lbf ,the probable engine manufacturers appears to be Chinese AECC, General Electric, Rolls-Royce and Russian UEC.

✈Projected Aircraft specifications :
👉Length- 63.755 m
👉Wingspan- 63.86 m.
👉Height-17.9 m.
👉Fuselage width- 5.92 m.
👉Fuselage height – 6.07 m
👉Cabin max width – 5.61 m
👉MTOW- 245t.
👉Payload- 48.83–50.4 t.
👉Fuel capacity – 103.7 t (229,000 lb)
👉Turbofans – (x2)TBA
👉Thrust-78,000 lbf .
👉Cruise-Mach 0.85
👉Range-12,000 km

Author – Tanmay Palei
Sr. Aircraft Structure Engineer