The main factors of aircraft performance are the performance of the engines, and the performance of the wings.

The performance of the engines is primarily affected by the amount of oxygen the engines are ingesting, as the molecules of oxygen ingested by the engine can be combined with molecules of fuel to create power. Oxygen density is primarily affected by the aircraft’s altitude, the outside air temperature and pressure, and ambient humidity.

The performance of the wings is primarily affected by air density. Every molecule of air traveling past the wings helps it generate lift. Air density is also primarily affected by the aircraft’s altitude, outside air temperature and pressure, and ambient humidity.

There are other environmental factors that affect aircraft or engine performance, but these are considered non-normal: For example, structural icing on the wings decreases wing effectiveness, and engine inlet icing reduces the air intake of the engine; these situations are at best non-normal though, and at worst emergencies.

In addition, engine and aircraft performance decrease with age, as the aircraft’s skin becomes less smooth, and the engine components wear and fit together more poorly.

Author – Tim Morgan

Categorized in:

Aircraft Engineering,

Last Update: September 28, 2024