VoePass Accident : What we know so far ?
– VoePass (LATAM) issued an official statement informing that they still do not know the cause of the crash. “The flight took off without any operational restrictions,” the statement said.
– The Voepass Turboprop aircraft, powered by Pratt & Whitney PW127F engines, fell at 12928 thousand feet per minute, which is equivalent to approximately 237 km/h.
– May not be a contributory factor to this accident, but there was an “active warning for severe icing” between 12,000 feet and 21,000 feet, while the aircraft was flying at FL170 just before the crash.
– Out of 62 people on board, including 58 passengers and 4 crew members, none survived the crash.
– Voepass Flight 2283 from Cascavel (CAC) to Sao Paulo (GRU), operated by an year 2010 built ATR 72-500 passenger plane, registered as PS-VPB, crashes in Vinhedo, Brazil.
– The National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac) regretted the accident and said it will monitor “the provision of assistance to victims and their families by the company, as well as adopting the necessary measures to investigate the situation of the aircraft and crew.”
Source – FL360Aero