Sunday, September 15, 2024

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    Why do Boeing aircraft have Wing Flex

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    The aircraft’s distinctive wing flex is one of its defining features. Made possible with the use of carbon fiber material, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s wings have an incredible amount of flexibility. This flexibility allows load changes and wind gusts to be dampened, resulting in an overall smoother, less turbulent ride for passengers.

    The reason Boeing wings flex more than airbus wings is due to the different wing design philosophies of each manufacturer. Boeing widebody wings all contain a control surface called a high speed aileron (sometimes called a flaperon) located about half way down the trailing edge of the wing.

    A Boeing 787 wing. The high speed aileron is the small panel which is slightly raised in comparison to the flaps.

    This allows the wing to be lighter and more flexible but still allowing roll control at high speeds. On an extremely flexible wing, normal ailerons at the ends of the wing can loose control authority in certain scenarios. The high speed aileron solves this issue.

    The advantage of this setup is a wing which is structurally lighter but with a more complex and heavier flap/ aileron system.

    Airbus planes on the other hand do not have a high speed aileron on their wings.

    Compared to the Boeing approach there is no clear winner.

    The Boeing 787 shows more wing flex on the wingtips

    Instead the wing is stiffer which means the normal ailerons at the end of each wing can work 100% of the time. The advantage is a simpler flap/ aileron system. The disadvantage is a slightly heavier wing.

    Wings and fuselages have to have some flexibility designed in to smooth out stress. Turbulence causes the wing to flex, which absorbs the stress. If not, that stress is transmitted to the fuselage at great discomfort to the passengers.

    However, conventional aluminum construction has certain limits to flexibility. Too much flex and stress fatigue will eventually fail some parts. Too little and the wing may not be able to absorb a major turbulence, or landing jolt, and something may break.

    CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic, the material of Boeing 787 wings) has more strength than aluminum. However, the modulus of elasticity (of carbon fiber), or Young modulus, is smaller, in most of the cases, as in biaxial fabric, which means that they deform more for a given load, compared with other materials, aluminum included.

    Carbon composite construction has the property of being able to absorb significant flex stress, and its stiffness can be tailored to the specific areas of the plane that need it, unlike aluminum construction, with all those rivets and bolts holding it together.

    So, the B-787 and A-350 with composite wings have greater flexibility built in which absorbs the stresses better and gives a smoother ride. Its just more expensive and complex to build (or repair), but far cheaper to maintain over the life of the plane.

    The aircraft’s distinctive wing flex is one of its defining features.Made possible with the use of carbon fiber material, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s wings have an incredible amount of flexibility. This flexibility allows load changes and wind gusts to be dampened, resulting in an overall smoother, less turbulent ride for passengers. But just how much can these wings flex?

    Composites used in the wing structure are more flexible, and designed to take forces and deform with them. also the aerodynamics are designed to fit with this behavior.

    Additional details about wing flex on Boeing aircraft:

    1. Materials and Design: Boeing incorporates advanced materials and engineering techniques to achieve wing flex. The wings are typically made of lightweight composite materials, such as carbon fiber reinforced polymer, which offer high strength-to-weight ratios and flexibility.
    2. Wing Loading: Wing flex helps to distribute the aircraft’s weight and lift forces more evenly across the wings, reducing the stress concentration at specific points. This allows for a more balanced load distribution and contributes to the overall structural integrity of the wings.
    3. Vertical Gust Alleviation: Wing flex can help mitigate the effects of vertical gusts or turbulence encountered during flight. When the wings encounter sudden changes in airflow, they can flex and absorb some of the energy, resulting in a smoother ride for passengers.
    4. Improved Efficiency: Wing flex aids in reducing drag, which improves fuel efficiency. By flexing and adapting to different flight conditions, the wings can maintain optimal aerodynamic performance, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and lower operating costs for airlines.
    5. Testing and Certification: Before a new aircraft model is certified for commercial operation, extensive testing is conducted to ensure the wing’s structural integrity and performance. Wing flex is carefully evaluated during these tests to verify its safety and compliance with regulatory requirements.
    6. Aesthetic Considerations: Wing flex can also be visually appealing, giving the aircraft a graceful and dynamic appearance. It adds to the overall aesthetics of the airplane and is often considered an iconic feature of modern Boeing designs.

    It’s important to note that the extent of wing flex varies among different aircraft models and depends on various factors, including the aircraft’s size, intended purpose, and operational requirements. Each model is carefully designed to optimize performance, efficiency, and passenger comfort while maintaining structural integrity and safety standards.

    By Sheldon Wilkinson & Aeropeep Team

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