Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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    What is a PDA or TOFA ? What is the safety implication ? Who is responsible to limit their occurrences ?

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    What is a PDA or TOFA ? What is the safety implication ? Who is responsible to limit their occurrences ?

    ✈A PDA (Parts Departing from Aircraft), also called TFOA ( Things Falling-Off Aircraft ) is any piece of equipment falling from an aircraft, ranging in size from a simple rivet up to a fan cowl.

    ✈Potential safety risk: A PDA may damage vital parts of the aircraft and/or cause serious or fatal injuries to passengers or people on ground. Preventing PDAs start with aircraft design & follows maintenance, operations & a variety of players.

    ✈Maintenance Team:
    Mechanics may reduce the number of occurrences by complying with the procedures, by identifying all elements during the visual inspections, that could lead to a PDA.

    Flight crews may do their part by performing a thorough walk-around before each flight.

    ✈Engineering department (CAMO):
    By reporting all PDA events to OEM, the CAMO helps in identification of areas where a design/procedure/ training modification would reduce the risk.

    ✈Manufacturer Responsibility:

    👉Investigate all PDA occurrences

    👉Develop mitigating solutions.

    👉Maintenance procedure change or design enhancement.

    👉Monitor the in-service effectiveness of these solutions.

    👉Report PDA events to Regulators.

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    Author – Tanmay Palei
    Sr. Aircraft Structure Engineer

    Linkedin- https://www.linkedin.com/in/tanmay-palei/

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